
Do you want to give more visibility to the hybrid innovation implemented by your school?

Do you want to certify its hybrid education readiness?

The STEAME-HYBRID SCHOOL LABEL is a brand-new certification for schools produced by the EU funded project STEAME-Hybrid and aims to attest the appropriate level of hybrid education readiness reached by schools, as well as their effectiveness in organizing and implementing hybrid STEAME activities in the teaching and learning practice. The Hybrid Label is a certified indicator confirming the effect of acknowledging and showcasing the commitment of that particular school towards high-quality digital education.

The STEAME-HYBRID LABEL is a two-stage certification label. The Label Stage 1 certification is awarded to schools that demonstrate a commitment to improve their readiness and their practices related to the implementation of the STEAME approach, while the Full Label is awarded to schools that provide evidence of improvement of the internal practices regarding the implementation of STEAME HYBRID activities and a concise sustainability plan.


The procedure to obtain the STEAME-HYBRID LABEL is designated below.

1.The school expresses their interest and opens communication for obtaining the STEAME-HYBRID SCHOOL LABEL here.

2.The school runs a self-assessment by answering the survey criteria for teachers and students and prepares a results report:

3.Through Step 2 the school realises its weaknesses based on the survey criteria. Any score of 3 or below is an indication that improvement is needed. The scoring instructions can be found in both self-assessment documents (for teachers and students).

4.To receive the STEAME HYBRID School Label – Stage 1, the School prepares an action plan for improving the performance regarding the criteria identified and this plan is submitted together with the results of the self-assessment for teachers and self-assessment of students, here.

  • Click here for the template of the Improvement Action Plan-Stage1

5.After a minimum of 3 months from submission of stage 1, the school runs the same self-assessment again (for teachers and students respectively) and submits the results of both self-assessments, an evidence-based improvement report and a sustainability plan supporting the improvement with evidence of concrete changes here.

  • Click here for the template of the improvement report-Stage2
  • Click here for the template of the Sustainability plan-Stage2

6.Exception: In case the initial self-assessment indicates that the school does not need improvement, the school may apply directly for the full STEAME-Hybrid Label (3 years validation) by submitting the results of the self-assessment for teachers and students respectively, together with a sustainability plan and concrete evidence here.

  • Click here for the template of the Sustainability plan-Stage2

7.The STEAME-Hybrid project partner consortium evaluates the application and decides upon granting the full STEAME HYBRID School Label (3 years validation). If successful, the school receives the full Label Certificate.

  • To see a sample of the Stage 1 certificate, click here
  • To see a sample of the Stage 2 full certificate, click here